The Best Poster Award is being presented by the MORIS Award Committee to encourage research. Presenters who express their desire to be considered for the award will have their posters nominated. The award aims to recognize excellence in both research and presentation. The award reviewers will evaluate presentations and select winners based on the level of research, quality of the poster, and clarity of the presentation. The award ceremony will take place after the end of session Th-4.
Zeynab Sadeghi (Charles University, Czech Republic)
"Strong quadratic magneto-optical anisotropy in FeRh"
Kiranjot (Diamond Light Source, United Kingdom)
"Magneto-optical Effects in Measuring Hysteresis Curves using Soft X-ray Reflectivity"
Moritz Cimander (University of Konstanz, Germany)
"Femtosecond Coupling of Spin and Charge Dynamics in an Antiferromagnet"
Phillip David Bentley (NIMS, Japan)
"Magnetization precession in L10-ordered FePt thin films with large PMA and relatively low damping"
Takuya Taniguchi (Tohoku University, Japan)
"Observation of the Magnon Hall Effect of Magnetostatic Forward Volume Spin Waves"
Yuki Kobayashi (Nihon University, Japan)
"Evaluation of Longitudinal/Transverse Thermoelectric Generation in GdFeCo Ferrimagnetic Alloy Thin Film"